Elder line is a National Helpline to connect and engage with senior citizens and compassionately serve them through a toll-free no, i.e. 14567.

The Elder line is set up by MOSJE (Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment) in collaboration with States and local implementation agencies.

Every state has Elder line offices. A call will be answered from the particular state, from where the caller called.

Yes, the Elder line toll-free number, i.e. 14567 is standard across the country. It will help the elderly or caller to remember one number that they can dial in for help.

Elderly or anyone with a purpose to help or support an elderly can dial in. It is a free call available through a toll-free no 14567.

Elder line 14567, is operational from morning 8 am to evening 8 pm on all the seven days in a week.

Callers could be the elderly themselves, concerned adults, family members, friends and relatives, caregivers or any other individuals like the police, pedestrian etc.

Caller can talk about anything. There is nothing which you can’t talk to Elder line about. In case caller wants to call and understand how this works, that’s ok too.

Elder line broadly focuses on four kinds of service such as information required for elderly, Guidance on pension and Legal, Emotional support through counselling and Field interventions by supporting homeless and abused elderly as well as providing other support services as per the needs of the elderly by partnering with the local organizations and the state departments.

Yes, an elderly can call the toll-free number 14567 and talk about their feelings and the things they want to share. Counsellors are always available to listen to them.

All conversations with Elder line are private, which means the discussion will not be revealed to anyone. In case of necessary actions, if need to be taken in specific cases, such as abuse support related to maintenance issues, the details might need to be shared with stakeholders with permission from the elderly.

Yes, based on the services and requirement, Elder line team will meet the elderly physically and support them with the support of the state departments. Few Services where team work intensively in the ground are – Support to homeless elderly, abused elderly, physical counselling etc.

Yes, based on the services, the Elder line will follow up/ take feedback on the cases from the caller/ elderly.

During the call itself, caller will be informed about the time frame and the next process based on the services and issues.

You can call 14567 or you can send an email to the respective state email ids mentioned below to register yourself as a volunteer for Elder line.

You can call 14567 or you can send an email to the respective state email IDs mentioned below to provide feedback, appreciation or any other suggestions.


Click here to view the respective state implementation agencies and email IDs


Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJE), Govt of India has set up the National Helpline for Senior Citizens (NHSC).

Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Plot No. G-2, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075
011-20893999, 011- 20893995
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